Mrs. Brown
Mrs. Turner
Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Turner are proud to be the School Counselors at Mountain View. They enjoy working with the wonderful students. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Turner are both undergraduates of University of Virginia and received their master’s degree from Longwood College; now known as Longwood University. They are here to be advocates for the students and support their social emotional learning, academic growth, and career success.
Elementary School Counselors assist students to learn the skills and attitudes necessary to be successful learners. They emphasize with students that the classroom is their first workplace and that communication, decision-making, interpersonal, and career awareness skills are important to their success.
The Elementary School Counseling Program is an integral part of the total educational process and the shared responsibility of the entire school community. As Professional School Counselors, we collaborate with other school professionals in helping students learn. A successful program requires the support and participation of all school personnel, parents and guardians, outside agencies, and the community at large.
Standards are created for School Counseling programs in Virginia Public Schools by the American School Counseling Association (ASCA). These counseling experiences are accomplished through the following activities:
Counseling is developmental and is designed to help students develop an understanding of themselves or others, define goals, and resolve conflict. We DO NOT do psychotherapy or other techniques used in a clinical setting. Students may self-refer by leaving a note in our mailbox. Parents or teachers may also request that we see a child to discuss a particular concern.
Sometimes students who share a common concern find it helpful to meet together to share ideas and support. Possible group topics are Classroom Issues, Emotional Regulation, Family Change, Friendship, Goal Setting, Grief, Growth Mindset, Mindfulness, Problem Solving, and Social Skills. We do not place students in groups without notifying parents.
Each classroom receives at least one classroom lesson per month. Lessons are designed to help guide student success and create positive relationships within their classroom and the school. Core Counseling lessons are created for all students and do not require students to share information that is personal to them.
Parents may review materials to be used in any School Counseling program by contacting us. It is the policy of the Albemarle County School Board with respect to personal/social counseling that parents must notify the School Division in writing if the student is not to participate in any such counseling program. We invite parents to contact us with concerns or questions at any time.